轻触开关组类,配置一组轻触开关的触发事件并随时读取开关即时状态。 方法
init(self, pin, real_true = GPIO.HIGH)
初始化对象,设置引脚和触发电平(高电平或低电平触发)。pins 为 IO 引脚数组。
is_on(self, index)
返回当前轻触开关的按下状态。true 或 false。index 为 LED 编号,从 0 开始。
#输出按键状态 import time from sakshat import SAKSHAT from sakspins import SAKSPins as PINS if __name__ == "__main__": try: #Declare the SAKS Board SAKS = SAKSHAT() while True: #获取按键状态 blue_button = SAKS.tactrow.is_on(0) yello_button = SAKS.tactrow.is_on(1) if blue_button == False: print("蓝色未按下") else: print("蓝色已按下") if yello_button == False: print("黄色未按下") else: print("黄色已按下") time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("任务被终止了")
#输出按键组状态 import time from sakshat import SAKSHAT from sakspins import SAKSPins as PINS if __name__ == "__main__": try: #Declare the SAKS Board SAKS = SAKSHAT() while True: #获取按键组状态 key_status = SAKS.tactrow.row_status #打印安装状态 print("按键组状态为" + str(key_status)) time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("任务被终止了")
#按键事件触发方式操作 import time from sakshat import SAKSHAT from sakspins import SAKSPins as PINS #在检测到轻触开关触发时自动执行此函数 def key_event_handler(pin, status): ''' called while the status of tacts changed :param pin: pin number which stauts of tact is changed :param status: current status :return: void ''' #判断是否是右边的轻触开关被触发,并且是在被按下 if pin == PINS.TACT_RIGHT and status == True: print("黄色按键被按下") #判断是否是右边的轻触开关被触发,并且是在被按下 if pin == PINS.TACT_RIGHT and status == False: print("黄色按键被释放") #判断是否是右边的轻触开关被触发,并且是在被按下 if pin == PINS.TACT_LEFT and status == True: print("蓝色按键被按下") #判断是否是右边的轻触开关被触发,并且是在被按下 if pin == PINS.TACT_LEFT and status == False: print("蓝色按键被释放") if __name__ == "__main__": try: #Declare the SAKS Board SAKS = SAKSHAT() #设定轻触开关回调函数 SAKS.tact_event_handler = key_event_handler except KeyboardInterrupt: print("任务被终止了")
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