支持树莓派的usb wifi网卡


  • 3COM
    • 3CRUSB10075: ZyDAS zd1211rw chipset (!)

  • 7DayShop
    • W-3S01BLK, W-3S01BLKTWIN : Unbranded product available from 7DayShop, in a single or twin pack. [25][26]. Tested on Debian Wheezy, with the dongle attached directly to the RPi along with the wireless keyboard receiver. Shows up as a Ralink RT5370 device, and no drivers or additional software downloads required. Created wpa.conf, edited ‘interfaces’ file and restarted the networking. The manufacturer portion of the MAC address (7cdd90) is assigned to “Shenzhen Ogemray Technology Co., Ltd.”
    • It works without additional software connected directly to a Rev 2 Pi but stops working after a period of time (3 to 4 hours) with a fully updated Wheezy and all the ‘USB workarounds’ [27] in place.
  • Alfa
    • AWUS036NEH: Tested on Debian Squeeze (with Ralink firmware package)
    • AWUS036NH: Tested on Arch Linux ARM using the rt2800usb module.
    • AWUS036NH: Tested on Debian Wheezy (with Ralink firmware package). Tested on Raspbian too (drivers from aircrack-ng).
    • AWUS036H (500mW version): Tested on Raspbian (drivers from aircrack-ng).
    • AWUS036H (1W version): Tested on Raspbian (drivers from aircrack-ng). Needs USB powered HUB or Rev2 of the board / polyfuse bypass.
    • AWUS036NHA: Tested on Raspbian (drivers from aircrack-ng). Works fine if connected after boot, otherwise Raspberry Pi won’t boot up.
  • AirLink101
    • AWLL5088: Tested on Debian Wheezy. This adapter is based on the OEM Edimax EW-7811Un. For automatic installation, See MrEngmanns script listed below under the Edimax device.
  • Asus
    • USB-N10 USB ID 0b05:1786, r8712u staging driver, included on Fedora Remix & Arch, mustdownload for Debian and install firmware-realtek from non-free squeeze repo (B) (not needed with latest Raspbian “wheezy” 2012-07-15: this Asus works N10 out of the box) Does not support nl80211 APIS, so hostapd won’t work.
    • USB-N13 USB ID 0b05:17ab, works with Adafruit Occidentalis v0.1 image as it includes kernelwith 8192u driver built-in (B)
    • WL-167G v1 USB ID 0b05:1706, Ralink RT2571 working out-of-the-box on Debian image from 2012-04-19. Requires powered hub, otherwise it is detected by OS but will not function.
    • WL-167G v3 USB ID 0b05:1791, working out-of-the-box on Linux raspberrypi 3.2.27+ #160 PREEMPT Mon Sep 17. Does not require powered hub.
  • AusPi Technologies
    • AusPi Wireless Adapter [Realtek RTL8188S]. Works without a powered HUB. Tested on OpenELEC (works OOB), RaspBMC (works OOB), XBian (works OOB) and 2012-08-08 Raspbian Wheezy (works OOB). Distributed in Australia by Buy Raspberry Pi Australia.
  • Belkin
    • Belkin Components F5D7050 Wireless G Adapter v3000 [Ralink RT2571W]. On Debian requires the firmware-ralink package from the non-free repository. The usbcore module needs to be added to /etc/modules install instructions.
    • Belkin Components F5D8053 ver.6001 Wireless N Adapter [Realtek RTL8188SU]. Tested on OpenELEC (works OOB), RaspBMC (works OOB), Raspian – 2012-07-15-wheezy-raspbian (followed instructions herePowered hub required!
    • Belkin Components F5D8053 ver.6001 Wireless N Adapter [Realtek RTL8188SU]. Works on RaspBMC OOB (with NetworkManager plugin). Works WITHOUT powered hub on 5v 800mA power with 6 overvolt (nothing else connected to USB)
    • Belkin Components F7D1101 v1 Basic Wireless Adapter [Realtek RTL8188SU] USB ID 050d:945a, r8712u staging driver, included on Fedora Remix & Arch, must download for Debian and install firmware-realtek from non-free squeeze repo (B)
    • Belkin Components F6D4050 V1 [Realtek RT3070] USB ID: 050d:935a Driver: RT3572STA(recommended),RT2800USB,RT2870STA. Tested under Arch using this guide.
    • Belkin Components F6D4050 V1/V2 [Realtek RT3070] USB ID: 050d:935a / 935b Driver: RT3572STA. Tested with Raspbian – See installation instructions – Powered hub not required!
    • Belkin Components F7D2102 “N300” Micro Wireless USB adapter. Tested with Occidentalis 0.1. Tested and working on Rasbian wheezy (and RaspBMC), driver RTL8192CU, no powered hub needed (dongle directly attached to the onboard ports)
    • Belkin Components F9L1001v1 “N150” Wireless USB Adapter. Tested and working on Rasbian wheezy WITHOUT powered hub.
    • Belkin Surf Micro WLAN USB-Adapter (Raspbian Wheezy, unpowered hub, “N150”)
  • BlueProton
    • BT3 USB ID: 0bda:8187; tested on Debian, Fedora & Arch; rtl8187 driver (B)
  • Buffalo
    • USB ID: 0411:01A2 WLI-UC-GNM – Tested on Raspbmc; rt2800usb driver
  • Conceptronic
    • C300RU. Works out of the box in Raspbian. Causes reboot when plugging on a live Rev. 2 RPi
  • DELL
    • Wireless 1450 [Intersil ISL3887]. Works out of the box but requires a powered hub (the RPi boots with this dongle plugged in, recognizes and configures it, works for some time but then crashes randomly under heavy traffic. A powered hub seems to fix the issue).
    • USBWAVE54 [chipset Zydas ZD1211] . [[28]] Works out of the box in OpenELEC. With Raspbian or Debian squeezy/wheezy works with zd1211-firmware .
    • USBWAVE300C [chipset Ralink 2870] . [[29]] Works out of the box in OpenELEC. With Raspbian or Debian squeezy/wheezy works with firmware-ralink .
  • D-Link
    • AirPlus G DWL-G122 (rev. E). USB ID 07d1:3c0f, Ralink RT2870. On Debian requires thefirmware-ralink package from the squeeze-firmware non-free repository. (However I experience total crashes on raspbian 2012-07-15 after a few minutes of load on the wlan. Will have to investigate via serial console.)
    • AirPlus G DWL-G122 (rev. C). USB ID 07d1:3c03, Ralink RT2571. Working out-of-the-box on Arch image from 2012-04-29.
    • AirPlus G DWL-G122 (rev. B1). USB ID 2001:3c00, Ralink RT2571. Working out-of-the-box on Arch image from 2012-06-13.
    • DWA-110 (Version A1). Requires the ralink package from the non-free repository on Debian.
    • DWA-121 (Version A1). Wireless N 150 Pico. Works out-of-the-box with Raspian Wheezy (2012-09-18) and Raspbmc (2012-11-06) using Network-Manager addon (see Program – Addons)
    • DWA-123 (Version A1). USB ID 2001:3c17, Ralink RT2800. Working out-of-the-box on Arch image from 2012-04-29. (working without UBS Hub – not yet sure if it achieves full speed though.)
    • DWA-131 USB ID 07d1:3303,Realtek RTL8192SU, 802.11n Wireless N Nano. Works out of the box on Raspbian “wheezy”. Verified with direct USB : no powered USB hub needed. Also verified when Nano used in powered USB hub. Someone had trouble configuring SSID/Passphrase in etc/network/interfaces file. But no problem & very easy to configure using wicd : wicd is a gui interface on LXDE for network configuration. Install it using command-line : apt-get install wicd. Once configured ith wicd to auto-run on boot, no need to turn back to LXDE. Recommended.
    • DWA-140 (Version B1). USB ID 07d1:3c09, Ralink RT2870. On Debian requires the firmware-ralink package from the squeeze-firmware non-free repository.
    • DWA-140 (Version B2). USB ID 07d1:3c0a, Ralink RT3072. Workaround for faulty firmware binary: Place file rt2870.bin from linux-firmware_1.53.tar.gz in /lib/firmware. Explanation.
    • DWA-160 (Version B1). USB ID 07d1:3c11, Ralink RT2870. On Debian requires the firmware-ralink package from the squeeze-firmware non-free repository.
    • DWA-160 (Version A2). USB ID 07d1:3a09, Atheros AR9170. (NOTE: I can only get it to work through powered USB hub) requires carl9170-fw firmware [30]
  • Edimax
    • EW-7811Un USB ID 7392:7811, RTL8192CU, driver blob download via Element14, works with WPA2-AES-CCMP (howto) (B) – Alternative driver download link that works with RaspianNote:With current raspbian (2012-09-18-wheezy) it is recognized immediately, the default module works fine; the configuration is easy using wireless-essid and wireless-key in /etc/network/interfaces.
    • The EW-7811Un can be powered directly from the Raspberry Pi if the Raspberry Pi is powered using a well regulated power supply.
    • A script-based installation for the EW-7811Un by MrEngman can be found on the RasPi forums. Tested with Debian Squeeze and Raspbian. An installation guide can be found here.
    • Instructions for getting the EW-7811Un working in Raspbmc (tested RC3) can be found here.
    • Simple step-by-step instructions for EW-7811Un which uses the RTL8192 chipsetRPi_edimax_EW-7811Un(B)
    • EW-7318USg USB ID 148f:2573, rt73usb. RT2573 chipset. Works with powered usb-hub or shorted polyfuses.
    • EW-7711UAn, Ralink RT2870, works perfectly on Arch with a powered hub (not tested without yet). Simply required wireless_tools and wpa_supplicant, the drivers/firmware are included in kernel 3.0. I followed the Arch Wireless Setup instructions.
    • edup nano EP-N8508 Use method shown here for debian. Requires powered USB hub for adequate power. When directly powered by Pi, it fails after a few minutes. (B) Unusable with analog audio because when data is being send or recieved the audio get disorted. Use script fromhere for Wheezy.
  • Eminent
    • EM4575 – rt2800usb driver.
  • EnGenius
    • EUB9603 EXT – Realtek r8712u driver
  • Gigabyte
    • Gigabyte GN-WB32L 802.11n USB WLAN Card. Works with the rt2800usb driver.
    • Wireless 11n USB Adapter. Uses RTL8188CUS chipset – cheap on eBay. Installs and works using the install-rtl8188cus-latest.sh script.
  • IOGear
    • GWU625 USB ID 0bda:8172, r8712u staging driver, included on Fedora Remix & Arch, mustdownload for Debian Squeeze and install firmware-realtek from non-free squeeze repo. No need to download firmware when using Debian Wheezy (B)
  • Linksys
    • Linksys (Cisco) WUSB100 ver.2 1737:0078, tested on raspbian; follow Brucalipto.orginstructions; not stress tested but works without issues for light network load.
    • Linksys (Cisco) WUSB600N, test on raspbian, details here
    • Linksys WUSB54GC (manufactured 07/2008) No issues! needs powered hub on version 1.0 boards.
  • LogiLink
    • Wireless LAN USB 2.0 Nano Adapter 802.11n LogiLink [31] is working even usb powered.
  • Micronet
    • Micronet SP907NS, 11N Wireless LAN USB Adapter (uses Realtek RTL8188CUS) works plugged directly into R-Pi USB (B) Debian installation instructions IMPORTANT: read the instructions first to avoid problems, and Auto-install script. The script has been used to install other adapters using the RTL8188CUS chip. Updated driver that handles the latest rpi-updates that kill the original driver, download for manual installation, automatically installed by the Auto-install script.
  • MSI
    • 0db0:6861 MSI-6861 802.11g WiFi adapter (US54G): works with external powered USB hub, requires firmware from here, power management must be disabled: iwconfig wlan0 power off
  • Mvix
    • Mvix Nubbin (MS-811N): works out of the box on Raspbian “wheezy” and does not need a powered USB hub.
  • Netgear
    • N150: Reported as WNA1100 device, uses the Atheros ar9271 chipset. On Debian, requires thefirmware-atheros package from the squeeze-backports non-free repository (!)
    • N150: Some versions reported as Realtek RTL8188CUS device. Read Micronet entry above and use RTL8188CUS script for installation. Works best plugged into powered USB hub.
    • WG111v1: Prism54 chipset. Needs powered hub. Follow info for Prism54 chipset on Debian wiki.
    • WG111v2: Realtek rtl8187 chipset. Seems to draw a lot of power; e.g. I can’t power this and a USB thumb drive simultaneously.
    • WNA1000M works with Raspberry Pi Model B Board v. BS1233.However when downloading torrents, when torrent pick up speed system become unresponsive.
  • OvisLink
    • Evo-W300USB: USB ID 148f:2270 Ralink Technology RT2770. apt-get install firmware-ralink
  • Patriot Memory
    • PCUSBW1150 Wireless 11N USB adapter (uses Realtek RTL8188CUS) Install using Micronet script. Works only through powered usb hub.
    • PCBOWAU2-N Wireless 11N USB adapter (uses Realtek RTL8191SU chip) Installed using r8712u Kernel module
  • Ralink
    • inner 02 joggler wifi usb RT2770F USB-ID 148f:2770 (firmware-ralink required) (only got dhcp on powered hub)
    • RT2070 USB-ID 148f:2070 firmware is already loaded into Raspbian. For Debian, the firmware must be installed (instructions). Needs a powered USB hub.
    • RT3070 USB-ID 148f:3070 firmware is already loaded into Raspbian.
    • RT2501/RT2573 USB-ID 148f:2573 (firmware-ralink required) (B)
    • RT5370 USB-ID 148f:5370 (requires firmware-ralink from wheezy)RPi_Ralink_WLAN_devices(B). An image of an adapter with this chip can be found here.
  • Rosewill
    • RNX-N180UBE Wireless B/G/N Adapter
      • Realtek RTL8191SU chipset, USB-ID 0bda:8172
      • Tested in Arch, works out of box. Powered USB hub required.
      • Tested in Raspbian, used wicd to configure network settings. Powered USB hub Required.
      • Tested in Raspbmc. Needs package firmware-realtek and used wicd-curses to configure. Powered USB hub required
    • RNX-G1 Wireless B/G Adapter
      • Realtek RTL8187 chipset, USB-ID 0bda:8187
      • Tested in Arch, works out of box. USB hub required.
    • RNX-MiniN1 (RWLD-110001) Wireless-N 2.0 Dongle (Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS 802.11n WLAN Adapter)
      • Tested in Raspbian, powered from USB hub.
  • Sagem
    • Sagem Wireless USB stick XG-760N : USB ID 079b:0062, Module is not shipped in Debian image, but can be “sudo apt-get install zd1211-firmware”
  • SMC
    • SMCWUSBS-N : Hardware detected as rt2800 but missing firmware; “sudo apt-get install firmware-ralink” fixed it
    • SMCWUSB-G : Gives “couldn’t load firmware” error. “sudo apt-get install zd1211-firmware” fixes it.
  • Sony
    • Sony UWA-BR100 802.11abgn Wireless Adapter [Atheros AR7010+AR9280] (Vendor ID: 0411, Product ID: 017f) – Tested with Raspbian. Needs package firmware-atheros.(B)
  • Tenda
    • USB 11n adapter on a G network: Ralink 2870/3070 driver (!)
    • Tenda W311MI Wireless N Pico USB Adapter (identified as Ralink RT5370 Wireless Adapter; USB-ID: 148f:5370) – Works out-of-the-box for Raspian 2012/09/18 or later. An earlier version gave me problems.
    • Tenda W311U Mini 11N Wireless USB Adapter (USB-ID 148f:3070): Ralink 2870/3070 driver; needs powered hub. Debian installation instructions
    • Tenda W311U+ Wireless USB Adapter – Tested with Raspian.
  • TP-Link
    • TL-WN422G v2 (ath9k_htc) Works OOTB in Debian Wheezy Beta. Runs without powered Hub when plugged into running RasPi, but the RasPi won’t boot while the stick is plugged in.
    • TL-WN721N (ath9k_htc device with htc_9271.fw file fromhttp://linuxwireless.org/download/htc_fw/1.3/htc_9271.fw); needs powered USB Hub (B) | works OOTB with wheezy raspbian (2012-08-16) connected directly to raspberry pi (B) and AP functionality tested with hostapd.
    • TL-WN722N (ath9k_htc device with htc_9271.fw file fromhttp://linuxwireless.org/download/htc_fw/1.3/htc_9271.fw); needs powered USB Hub (B)
    • TL-WN723N (RTL8188SU); works OOTB with raspbian 2012-09-17, (B) stable with 1A PSU and without powered USB hub on r2.0.
    • TL-WN821N v3 (ath9k_htc, htc_7010.fw); works out of the box on ArchLinuxARM and on OpenElec (>r11211), Problems with prior OpenElec; needs powered USB Hub (B)
    • TL-WN823N Works out of box on Raspian using powered USB Hub
  • ZyXEL
    • NWD2105 USB ID: 0586:341e, RT3070 chipset, rt2800usb driver (B)
    • G-202 model 0586:3410 ZyXEL Communications Corp. ZyAIR G-202 802.11bg using zd1211rw kernel module and zd1211-firmware package


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